Easy-to-follow, actionable techniques to calm yourself in any stressful situation.
How to tap into your Heartspace for greater clarity and emotional balance.
The art of standing on your story rather than letting it define you.
Carmen Payne is a transformational life coach specializing in personal and professional development. After a successful 25-year corporate career, Carmen transitioned to coaching, using her expertise in leadership, mentoring, training, and project management to empower others.
With certifications from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, Carmen combines innovative techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy® in her coaching. Whether through one-on-one sessions, workshops, or speaking engagements, Carmen helps individuals discover their best selves.
From traveling the globe during her corporate career to facilitating workshops for Fortune 500 companies, Carmen’s story is one of resilience and transformation. Learn how she discovered her passion for coaching and the profound impact she’s made in people’s lives.